Our new site is online. We’ve put in a bit of work on this one, made some major changes – moved from Drupal to WordPress for example. We moved simply for the experience, we had no issues with Drupal. We love both CMS’s.
We pushed hard to get this launched in time for Joomla World Conference 2016 in Vancouver at which we we are a sponsor and have a booth (we also have love for Joomla!). Because of this, we’re sure that we’ve overlooked a spelling mistake or two here and there. So please, if you note any problems shoot us a quick email: support@ezp.net.
We are hosting our site on one of our own shared hosting package – the shared 1 package in fact. We’ve got LSCache enabled and the site is running really well. In my tests from port moody, our site loads in less than 2 seconds.
Other than that, look forward to some new stuff coming out in the future on the site. We’re working on some blog posts, knowledgebase articles and some more content on the site.