How to install P3 plugin

WordPress is an amazing software with a ton of plugins available. While plugins are part of why WordPress is so great, they are also undeniably one of the biggest reasons behind SLOW WordPress sites.

Luckily, there is a plugin available to analyse the plugins on your WordPress site and help you figure out which plugins are slowing things down.

It’s called the P3 plugin (Plugin Performance Profiler).

Installing it is simple. Login to your WordPress admin area, Select “Add New” from the “Plugins” menu on the left side of the screen. On the top right of the screen is a keyword search field, simply type in “P3 plugin” and hit enter.

The top result should be say “P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler)”. Simply click the install button and the plugin will install.

Now, all you have to do is activate it. Simply go to the “Plugins” page, scroll down until you see the P3 Plugin and click activate.

Now you can use the plugin to find out what plugins are causing your site to slow down!

*PS – this plugin is somewhat outdated and there are reports of it causing issues on PHP 7 websites. We’ve tested it and found no issues, but it may not work for you.