Webmail and why you should love it! Or at least use it.

At EZP we LOVE cPanel’s webmail. It is extremely useful and every client should know how to use it. Why? Well, let’s discuss…

First – How to find your webmail?

This is rather simple. If you have your website hosted with us, you simply open up a browser and type the following in the address bar:


Some times you may not be hosting your main website with us. For example, you may just host your blog with us. If so, the webmail could be located at:


Or perhaps you just host your email with us and use a proprietary hosted solution for your front end website, you can likely use:


You can even use your account’s IP address or servername to find webmail, but we do not recommend that in case of a server migration or account changes, etc. If you do run into any trouble finding your webmail, just submit a support ticket with us.

Logging into webmail.

Once you have figured out where webmail is, it’s time to log in. Logging into webmail is simple, you just need to know your email address and your password. The webmail login screen will prompt you to fill in just those two fields and you are good to go. The great thing here is that if you can login to webmail, you’ve proven that you have the correct credentials and that you are not blocked by the server firewall. Which is an excellent first step in troubleshooting any email issues you may be facing.

What do once you’ve logged into webmail?

Well, the possibilities are many. Let’s review a few of them:

Setting up your email client

Most people really just want to use their favourite email client, be it thunderbird, outlook or mac mail. For help getting those email clients setup, you can click your email address on the top right of the screen as it is actually the heading of a drop down menu – yes, that one right next to the logout link:

cPanel webmail drop down menu

And then click “Configure Mail Client”. This will open up a screen with auto configuration scripts. Simply select your application, then select your protocol (we strongly recommend over SSL/TLS) and follow the instructions in the popups.

Also, the manual configuration settings are below the auto configuration scripts. Again, we strongly recommend using Secure SSL/TLS Settings for improved security.

You can update your password.

I mean, you ARE doing this fairly regularly, right? We all know how important it is to maintain strong and secure passwords. Simply select “Password & Security” and enter your new password. The handy password strength meter will tell you if your password is actually secure or if it is easily guessed. You can always use the password generator to get a strong password if you are not feeling particularly creative.

You can send & receive emails.

Shocking I know. But you can use a webmail application to use your email on the web! You even get to choose from 3 different webmail softwares – Horde, Roundcube or Squirrelmail. We say you should give them all a quick whirl to see which you like and then stick with your favourite. The differences are mostly cosmetic.

You can manage email filters.

This is useful if you have that one email that keeps slipping through the spam filter. Or you want any emails from a certain domain being forwarded to your accountant automatically, etc. Simply select the Email Filters menu option, create your rule, set the action and click create.

You can create a forwarder.

Do you have multiple email addresses and wish to check only one account? You can do that by forwarding your email to another address. Simply select the Forwarders menu option and follow the instructions.

You can create an autoresponder.

Are you going on vacation? Perhaps creating an autoresponder to let your customers know when you are back or who to contact while you are away can be useful. Select the Autoresponders menu option, click the “Add Autoresponder” button and read the page for all the options you can use when creating your message.

There are a few other options in the webmail interface that are useful but these are the most popular and worthy of mention.